Auto Accident Care
Many cases of chronic pain start with an auto accident. If it’s been more than three months since your accident and you are still having pain, our approach may be exactly what you need.

Auto Accident Care
If you have been involved in an auto accident, you may be experiencing pain in your head, neck, back, or other areas. If so, you should contact your insurance company and open a personal injury claim. Your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage on your auto insurance plan may cover treatment.
If you have received treatment by a chiropractor for injuries sustained in an auto accident but you are still in pain or if you are having a hard time fitting frequent chiropractic appointments into your schedule, please contact us. You may find our approach to be a good fit for you.
Maybe you have seen an independent medical examiner in connection with your auto accident claim and you have been told that there’s nothing wrong with you and you don’t need any treatment. But what if you are still in pain?
Maybe your doctors have told you that you have reached “maximum medical improvement,“ and that despite all the pain you still have, this is the best it’s going to get for you. What now?
If this has been your experience, we encourage you to reach out. We have helped many people in your situation and may be able to help you too!
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1975 NW 167th Place, Ste 1 Beaverton, OR 97006