
Western States Chiropractic College – Portland, OR

Doctorate of Chiropractic (December 18, 2009).  Summa cum laude, Valedictorian


Metropolitan State College – Denver, CO

Bachelor of Science, Biology (December 17, 2006)

Bachelor of Arts, Chemistry (December 17, 2006).  Summa cum laude


American Board of Chiropractic Internists:  Diplomate Courses

Introduction to Chiropractic Internal Disorders (February 22, 2009)

History Taking (March 24, 2009)

General Examination and Associated Pathology (April 19, 2009)

Disease and Examination of the Pelvis (May 31, 2009)

Multi-Channel Blood Chemistry, CBC, Thyroid (July 26, 2009)

Additional Blood Test/Tumor Markers (August 23, 2009)

EKG and Phonocardiography (November22, 2009)

Pharmacognosy/Herbal Therapy (January 24, 2010)

Chronic Degenerative Disease (February 28, 2010)

Pediatrics (March 28, 2010)

Spirometry and Pulmonary Disease (April 25, 2010)

Geriatrics (May 23, 2010)

Urinary Disorders and Hair Biopsy (June 27, 2010)

Immunology and Allergy Part 1 (July 25, 2010)

Allergy Part 2, Management of the Hypertensive Patient (August 29, 2010)

Common Diseases Affecting the Arterial System (September 26, 2010)

Evaluating Vascular and Venous Disorders by Instrumentation (October 31, 2010)

Peripheral Vascular Disease Workshop (November 21, 2010)

Facts of Neoplastic Process and Examining the Cancer Patient (January 30, 2011)

Upper Gastrointestinal Disease (February 27, 2011)

Malignant Diseases, AIDS, and their Management and Treatment (March 27, 2011)

Lower Gastrointestinal Disease (May 1, 2011)

Reports, Clinical Documentation, and Drug Reactions (May 22, 2011)


McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment

McKenzie MDT Part A: The Lumbar Spine (November 16-18, 2018)

McKenzie MDT Part B: The Cervical Spine (February 8-10, 2019)


Barral Institute Manual Therapy Trainings

VM1: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (October 18-21 2018) – Assist (November 2-5, 2023) – Assist (May 16-19, 2024) – Assist (October 3-6, 2024) – Assist (October 17-20, 2024)

VM2: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (March 14-17, 2019) – Retake (October 8-10, 2021) – Assist (March 13-16, 2025)

VM3: Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (October 3-6, 2019) – Retake (August 24-27, 2023)

VM4: Visceral Manipulation: The Thorax (April 11-14, 2019)

VM5: Manual Thermal Evaluation (May 30-June 2, 2024)

VM6: VisceroEmotional Relationships (February 28-March 2, 2025)

VMD: Visceral Manipulation: Dissection (March 8-10, 2019)

NM1: Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation; An Integrative Approach to Trauma (May 17-19, 2019)

– Retake (January 28-30, 2022) – Assist (January 26-28, 2024)

NM2: Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerves; Upper Body (January 24-26, 2020) – Assist (March 4-6, 2022) – Assist (December 6-8, 2024)

NM3: Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerves; Lower Body (November 5-7, 2021) – Assist (February 21-23, 2025)

NM4: Neural Manipulation: Brain and Cranial Nerves (December 3-5, 2021) – Retake (July 22-24, 2022)

NM5: Central and Peripheral Connections (July 12-14, 2024)

LT1: Visceral Manipulation: Listening 1 (February 16-18, 2019) – Retake (March 13-15, 2020)

AVMTA: Neural Manipulation: Neuro-Visceral Manipulation of the Thorax and Abdomen (March 30-April 1, 2023)

VVMU: Visceral Vascular Manipulation: Upper Extremity (April 14-16, 2023) – Retake (December 8-10, 2023)

VVML: Visceral Vascular Manipulation: Lower Extremity (May 5-7, 2023) – Retake (April 26-29, 2024)

VMAT: Advanced Visceral Components of the Neck and Thorax (July 14-16, 2023)

AVMTB: Advanced Visceral Manipulation: The Brain (July 25-27, 2023)

MAB2: Manual Approach to the Brain 2 (July 7-9, 2024)


Seminars in Chiropractic Technique and Functional Medicine (2007 – 2017)

Motion Palpation; Applied Kinesiology; Sacro-Occipital Technique; Activator Method; Functional Blood Chemistry; Neurotransmitters and Brain; Thyroid, Adrenals, and Blood Sugar; Hormones in Menopausal Women; Gluten Sensitivity; Autoimmune Thyroid; Estrogen Metabolism; Bone Loss; Foundational Laboratory Analysis; MethylGenetic Nutrition; Understanding Genetics and Weight


Lowen Systems Dynamic Manual Interface formerly Illuminatis/Biovalent Systems

Manual Perception 1 (July 11, 2003)

Core Skills and Concepts (March 29, 2003; repeated March 1, 2016)

Fascial Regulators 1 (September 20, 2002)

Intro to Biovalent Systems (April 27, 2002; repeated May 11, 2002)


Dialogues in Contemporary Rehabilitation

Cranial Therapy Series 1 (January 27, 2000)

Myofascial Release and Myofascial Mapping (November 15, 1998)


Colorado School of Healing Arts – Lakewood, CO

300 Hour Neuromuscular Therapy Certification (November 30, 1998)

1000 Hour Massage Therapy Certification (November 30, 1998)

670 Hour Massage Therapy Certification (June 20, 1997)